JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used to create interactive and dynamic website elements. It is a client-side scripting language, meaning that it runs on the user’s browser rather than on a server.
JavaScript allows developers to add interactivity to web pages, such as creating forms that can be filled out and submitted, displaying images or videos when certain buttons are clicked, or creating animations. It also allows for the creation of responsive designs, where the layout of a webpage changes based on the size of the user’s screen.
JavaScript is often used in conjunction with HTML and CSS, which are used to create the structure and styling of a webpage. HTML provides the structure of the webpage, while CSS is used to control the layout and design of the webpage. JavaScript can be used to add interactivity to the webpage by manipulating the HTML and CSS elements.
JavaScript is also used to create web applications, such as online calculators, games, and interactive maps. It can also be used to create browser extensions, which are small programs that can add functionality to a browser.
JavaScript is a versatile language, and it can be used for a wide range of applications. It is supported by all major web browsers and is a fundamental part of the web development process.