CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a styling language used to define the layout, formatting, and appearance of web pages. It is used in conjunction with HTML, which provides the structure and content of a web page, and JavaScript, which provides interactive functionality.
CSS works by applying a set of rules, called styles, to specific elements on a web page. These styles can be defined in a separate CSS file, or directly within the HTML document itself. The CSS rules are applied to the elements on the page based on their HTML tags, class names, or ID attributes.
CSS has a wide range of properties that can be used to control the layout and formatting of elements on a web page. These properties include things like font size and color, background color, margins, padding, and many more. CSS also supports a wide range of selectors, which allow you to specify which elements on the page the styles should be applied to.
One of the key features of CSS is that it is a cascading language. This means that styles are applied to elements based on their position in the HTML document, with styles defined later in the document taking precedence over those defined earlier. This allows you to create a set of global styles that can be overridden by more specific styles as needed.
CSS also supports media queries, which allow you to create styles that are only applied under certain conditions. For example, you can create styles that are only applied when the screen size is larger than a certain width, or when the device is in landscape mode. This allows you to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
In summary, CSS is a styling language that is used to control the layout, formatting, and appearance of web pages. It works by applying a set of rules to specific elements on a web page, and supports a wide range of properties and selectors to give you complete control over the look and feel of your site.